Friday, December 10, 2010

Call to Artists - Interview on French TV - WOW

Life happens at the speed of light some days...and  moves me faster that I'd like to be moved..this morning is one of those days...I wasn't quite ready to put this blog out into the wide world....BUT...just got an email from a journalist working for an environmental program called Global mag ...she wants to interview me this morning via webcam and Skipe for a French TV between massage and getting ready for an art show later today fit in figuring out webcam and Skype...oh yes..finish my article for Somerset Apprentice to email today...and most importantly to let you all know about this wonderful opportunity to "Get Rid of a 1,000 Things Challenge".  The details are on the tabs...I would love everyone to join the challenge and if you are an artist and  want to be involved in the book project that will be birthed from this endeavor...please email me at .....there will be a link but I can't put that on my to do list today....many blessings...i'm so excited to simplify my life to make room for more creativity...but the universe seems to fill the void so quickly with the next thing to simplicity all an trick...i to enjoy the ride...oh, yes..and to get rid of all the crap that weighs us down...hugs
NEWS amazing friend and prolific artist..Suzy Toronto... already finished the challenge...she got rid of a 1,000 things in about one week...that warrants a separate blog and interview ....but I had to share..I must think up a fun award for Suzy for being THE FIRST...and for her inspiring and generous spirit


  1. Hey e'Layne, thanks for calling me amazing, prolific and inspiring. But the one adjective you forgot was that I am also a little OCD!!! Now why don't you challenge me to do something physically healthy? Like throw away 1000 pieces of chocolate or eat 1000 less calories this month I could sure use that mow that show season is over for a spell!!!!

  2. A hearty congrats on the interview & pending article & book! You & your friend are an inspiration :D I look forward to taking this challenge

  3. I didn't only take the challenge...I embraced it and did it. I wish everyone would try it. Even if you only go half way, it is liberating beyond words!

    Un-clutter your life.

    Donate to charity
    Free up space for those things that are most important... the love of family and friends, boundless creativity and energy and the irrepressible sound of your own laughter!

    Do it! Your life will never be the same again!
